Saturday, November 14, 2009

When I Grow Up I Want To Be An Old Woman

I have always had an affinity for the elderly.  It's true.  Two of my best friends, when I was just seven years old, were elderly sisters who lived next door.  They would have been referred to as "spinsters", but to me they were facinating and, quite frankly, often more fun to be with then children my own age! 

In my congregation, if you are eighty years old, or older, you can attend a special tea that is held every few months for the church elders.  If you are lucky enough to be the partner of an elder, you can attend too!  It is a highlight of my ministry.  Hosting the Minister's Tea means setting a table of delectable goodies, planning singing or sharing or games, always having a couple of prizes to give away, and settling in for a very special afternoon of  fellowship with my heroes.  Being in the presence of such wisdom and incredible life stories is a gift beyond joy.  I ask myself, "How did I get to be so fortunate to be able to serve these women and men as their minister?" 

This may all sound a bit saccahrine, I know.  But if you were there......  If you sat at the table and sipped coffee or tea with these elders......   If you listened and watched as they shared the photos of themselves as youngsters.....   If you felt their sense of triumph as they told about turning points in their lives......  If you...  Well, all I can say is, when I grow up I want to be an old woman! 
My Granny is 81 and gorgeous!

I posted just a few days ago about grandparents and how much I miss mine that had passed away.  There is a connection with grandparents and the elders in my congregation that I have tea with.  There's a connection between each of us and those who have gone before us.  I often get so busy with 'life' that I lose sight of all the struggles and sacrifices, and lessons learned and dollars earned by those who have gone before me.  All that those elders who are still with me have done to pave the way.  I owe a debt of gratitude for so much joy in my life today that was paid in part by elders.  I will thank them with words.  I will thank them by holding their memory in my heart.  I will thank them by living my life as best I can and growing into an elder that inspires others as I have been inspired.  I will repay my debt by finding joy, living joyously, and sharing joy with others.

Thank you, my dear elder friends.

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