Sunday, July 25, 2010

Holy Moments

You might not consider it a holy moment, being in a room with nearly 4,000 people. You might think it impossible to experience something holy browsing alongside several hundred other people in an exhibit hall filled with book distributors, representatives from theological schools, gift vendors galore, and more Unitarian Universalist affinity groups than I can even recall.  And yet, somehow it was.

Our lives are filled with holy moments.  Not all joyful, but most certainly holy.  If you're not familiar with the musical artist, Peter Mayer, or more specifically with his song Holy Now, check out the link to hear his voice and read the moving lyrics:       

I attend my denomination's annual General Assembly each year, arriving a few days early, along with other religious professionals (several hundred of us), before the thousands of laypersons arrive. It was in that time, during a beautiful worship service, that the idea of recognizing holy moments in our everyday lives was introduced. My colleagues and I reflected on the holy moments that we experience as ministers.  Like the time I rehearsed some music for a Sunday service with Richard & Elaine (my favorite old time musicians).  The three of us sat in the sanctuary on a quiet weekday morning for nearly two hours, just singing and singing. With Richard on his banjo, Elaine on guitar, and our voices melding together in sweetness and harmony.  It was a holy moment.  My colleagues and I also thought about the holy moments we experience in our lives outside the church – with family, in nature, the quiet respites.

The holy moments in our lives are all about connections; relationships with each other, with the stranger, with our mother earth, with our own souls and best selves. Our lives are filled with holy moments as we connect and deepen relationships. This isn't a new revelation for me.  It probably isn't new for you either.  Funny how it took a gathering in Minneapolis of nearly 4,000 Unitarian Universalists to reintroduce me to the idea that everything, everything, everything is holy now.   I'm spending time recognizing the lovely, challenging, painful, and joyful holy moments in my life - everyday.  What are some of the holy moments in your everyday life?

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